Thursday, February 26, 2009

State Sovereignty Update - 2/26

MRStep, another blog that is tracking State Sovereignty, has added Colorado, Louisiana, and Massachusetts to the list of States adding declarations of sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. I have included Colorado because of the 1994 resolution, but not the other two because they are provisions within their State Constitutions. The 15-year-old California and Colorado resolutions are similar in wording to Oklahoma's. In my view, the Resolutions have value only to the extent that they address the current problems in State-Federal relations. MRStep also includes in their count eight States (including Ohio) in their "planning" category and Florida on their "watch list." I prefer not to count the chickens until they hatch have been given a proper introduction.

I mention this to help explain why The Ohio Republic recognizes only 19 States with Tenth Amendment declarations of sovereignty, while MRStep claims 30.

I do appreciate the MRStep research, which has been most helpful to me (but is not my only source), but want to note our differences in methodology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great update - wasn't familiar with the LA and Mass provisions.

We're tracking these resolutions at the Tenth Amendment Center as well. It changes quite regularly, but at this moment, we're showing 17: