Sunday, January 27, 2008

Now is a good time to buy Ohio!

Now that the national economy is catching a cold (never mind that we have had the flu for six years!), the Feds have decided to give us all a tax refund. Plunderbund has a good idea, let's spend it in Ohio!

Here's another good idea -- when you're looking at stocks to buy, consider an Ohio corporation when it fits your strategy. Here is a list of the Fortune 1000 companies in Ohio (2006), to which I have added the ticker symbol.

When the national crisis hits us over too much credit and a worthless dollar, we will all be better off if we rely on ourselves for the things we need. We need to grow our own economy -- no one else will care about us as much as ourselves.

With the Fortune 1000 list, I am beginning a documentation site that will add other longer pieces, and items from the blog that are of lasting interest. The link will be under the masthead at the top of this page.

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