Thursday, January 17, 2008

Joining Ohio’s political blogging community

Sometimes we can learn from our good experiences. In the last few weeks, I have been getting in touch with Ohio’s political blogging community. I now understand just how little I know about our State’s politics, even though I live in Columbus and am a faithful reader of the Dispatch.

Too many secessionists seem to be living in a philosophical ivory tower. The truth is, the State politics we have now will become the national politics under the Republic. More immediately, we need to understand the environment in which we are operating.

The quickest and simplest way to do this is to read the weekly Carnival of Ohio Politics, which I am adding to our Links list. It is a handy digest highlighting the contents of Ohio’s political blogs. Up to three selections are made by the bloggers themselves; and they are, of course, linked. This week, The Ohio Republic, a first-timer, had the honor of taking the lead entry in their special 100th edition.

Jill Miller-Zelman of Writes Like She Talks, is an experienced observer of Ohio politics and editor of the week. Her take on The Ohio Republic: “I can say with complete honesty, I've never heard that seriously argued before, and blogs are the perfect place to start such discussions.” I completely agree, and look forward to us learning from each other in the weeks ahead.


Ben said...

welcome to the ohios blogosphere

Ben said...

or i should say ohio blogosphere

Jill said...

Welcome indeed -

Jill Miller Zimon