Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Green Party

To better inform Ohio voters about Ohio's alternative parties, I sent questionnaires to the Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties. I am publishing the Green Party's response today, and will give the Libertarian response tomorrow. The Constitution Party did not reply to my questionnaire.

1. What do you consider to be the most important statewide issues in this year’s campaign?

Sustainability in our economy and our ecology. This includes eliminating waste and fraud in the state budget, and investing in healthy infrastructure which will save money in the long-run instead of cost us more money in the long-run. Examples are ridding us of subsidization of already profitable and often polluting industries such as agri-business and coal; other examples would be investing in educational opportunities, so that we would save us in long-term costs of housing prisoners and increased crime.

2. What legislation will be the highest priority for Green Party candidates for the General Assembly?

Moving the Ohio economy away from fossil fuels and investing in the profitable future of non-polluting, sustainable energy production, including, but not limited to Wind Turbine and Solar Cell production involving the collapsed industries known as “the rust belt”.

3. What is your party doing to increase visibility among the general public, and voter registration leading up to the primary election?

Trying to get the word out that people have more choices this year than previous years. This is a historic opportunity that is largely ignored in the general media. We have been using alternative media, email, and announcements at events whenever possible. Focusing on specific issues-related groups who are disappointed/disgusted with the present 2-party control is often effective, even though it’s hard to break through their history of voting for those 2 parties.

4. How would you answer a voter who asks, “Why should I become a member of the Green Party?”

You should become a member of the Green Party if you are tired of the corruption of the two-party control of our government at all levels. If you are interested in ecological and economic stability and sustainability, then you are a Green. If you believe in true universal healthcare as not only a better option for many people in need but also an economic opportunity for any state which establishes its own single-payer system, then you are a Green. If you believe in smaller, organic family farms rather than giant agri-business that pollutes our air, water, land and food supply, then you are a Green. If you believe in local, de-centralized control over our lives, then you are a Green. If you believe in non-violent methods of solving international crises and conflict, along with fair-trade practices to allow more people around the world to make a decent, respectable living, then you are a Green. There is much more, but these are the main features. People can find out more at

1 comment:

d.eris said...

Great work. You might also consider contacting the Socialist Party, they are running a few candidates in OH this year too.