Monday, March 8, 2010

Envisioning Ohio independence: Switzerland as a role model

Thomas Naylor of the Second Vermont Republic has written an article detailing exactly how a small country can successfully protect the liberties of its people -- even when its neighbors are trying to pull it into a different direction. Switzerland, since its independence in 1291, has never been conquered by a foreign power, and has what Mr. Naylor calls "the weakest federal government in the world." Switzerland has one third the land area of Ohio and two thirds the population. Mr. Naylor attributes the success of the Swiss to twelve principles:

- Small is beautiful
- Gold backed currency
- Fiscal responsibility
- International tax haven
- Swiss federalism
- Direct democracy
- Neutrality
– Avoiding entangling alliances
- Decentralized health care
- Swiss railroads and infrastructure
- Locally controlled schools
- Decentralized social services
- Sustainable agriculture, energy, and environment

The article adds considerable detail to each of these principles, and is well worth reading.

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