Monday, January 25, 2010

Secession rally held in South Carolina

This Freedom Rally, held in Columbia Jan. 9, even passed under the radar screen of the usually-alert Rebellion. According to the source, It's My Blog, about 2,000 people attended in the unusually cold weather that battered the South earlier this month.

The photos taken are particularly interesting. Here's my favorite, with It's My Blog's comment:

These guys have the right idea. A lot of the speeches today were about state sovereignty and the fact that the federal government has overstepped its bounds, so we need to "pass resolutions to assert the 10th Amendment." Well, I have news for those people: the tyrant Abraham Lincoln nullified the 10th Amendment. The only way we are going to get out form under the oppressive burden of the federal government is to secede. As Thomas Jefferson said, it is both our right and our obligation to do so.

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