Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gutless wonder?

A reliable Statehouse source told me that one of the reasons HCR 11 (Ohio's State Sovereignty resolution) is languishing in committee is a directive by House Speaker Armond Budish (D-Beachwood) not to consider any resolution that challenges the authority of the Federal Government. This also would affect HCR 25 (against cap-and-trade) and the proposed Honest Money initiative.

Speaker Budish is an attorney who needs to review his Constitutional law. States are a necessary bulwark to protect the freedom of the people from Federal encroachment. But I suppose he would rather be loyal to his party than to his State.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let's make his phone ring off the hook and stuff is inbox w/ email.

don't forget the LiberTEA Rally at the statehouse for the sovereignty resolutions: