Friday, February 19, 2010

The State of the State: another view

A few weeks ago, Gov. Strickland gave his State of the State address, in which he focused on governmental solutions to produce jobs in Ohio, which met with a skeptical response from this corner. While I accepted the idea of "public-private partnerships" in the context of the existing political system in Ohio, only a radical decentralization of government will provide a long-term solution.

Now, the Buckeye Institute has produced a report supporting my post earlier today, and detailing the root causes of Ohio's unemployment. We have an employer-unfriendly labor climate, high taxes; and in the Buckeye Institute's view, too much government. Don't let the heft (111 pages) of the report intimidate you. The report itself is only 15 pages long, but the supporting data includes a page for each county supporting the Institute's conclusions.

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