Monday, March 2, 2009

Support the Ohio Sovereignty Petition!

The Ohio Sovereignty Petition drive continues to build steam! Over 1,000 signatures have been collected on-line, and paper petitions are circulating throughout the State. If you are an Ohio resident, please add your name to the online petition, e-mail your friends with the link urging them to sign, and circulate a paper petition on the site, which is on the upper-right corner of this blog.

We'll keep you posted with the progress of the petition; and the resolution in the General Assembly, once introduced.


Anonymous said...

just wrote my state rep and state senator, told them to get behind this.

Anonymous said...

We all need to get behind this movement. We CAN NOT let our Government take our guns, our rights, and our Liberties. This is our country, and we need to defend it. A resolution like this will do just that. I have had everyone I know go to the petition site and sign it. I hope people read this and read the resolution and ACT!!!! It's up to us, we can't let all those who came before us die for these rights in vain. Thank you.