Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Federal Reserve Bank: It's not just a conspiracy theory anymore

The Age, an Australian newspaper, dares to report what our media will not: The Federal Reserve Bank is under investigation by the International Monetary Fund. In a June 30 article, David Hirst uses a nice analogy to explain to his readers just what went on with the Federal Reserve in the wake of Bear-Stearns:

"Imagine the Reserve Bank of Australia, concerned that its friends in the city of Sydney (but perhaps Melbourne) who, having wallowed in wealth all their adult lives, were no longer gainfully employable and their wildly extravagant lifestyles were in danger, and, having the powers to intervene in the market, decided to do just that on their behalf.

"Imagine them offering to enter the market and buy shares that would prop up the foolish gambles of the bankers, gambles they had encouraged them, until recently, to take by providing them with cheap money. On top of that, they told this group they would provide hundreds of billions of dollars in credits to these same profiteers on the grounds they were so big and important to the economy they were indeed too big to fail.

"Then, imagine, despite pouring untold taxpayers money into stocks and allowing their cronies access to vast sums, the system continued to fail. So they announced they would need greater power and with it more secrecy. For its growing band of critics has, perhaps unwittingly and in the interest of public good, this has become the principal function of the US Federal Reserve."

For many years, Americans have been told by a few courageous people, that the Federal Reserve was basically a scam to support a few wealthy bankers. And even today, most people dismiss that as a conspiracy theory; but when the International Monetary Fund, itself a creature of the same system that set up the Federal Reserve, decides to do a thorough examination of the U.S. banking system, you know that something is seriously wrong. Especially when that examination, a fairly common event for other central banks, is being conducted on the Fed for the first time!

Look for the dollar to really tank when the report comes out in 2010.

An interesting aside: According to the minutes linked above, the request was made by "JP Morgan Chase Bank, Columbus, Ohio." Their operations may be headquartered here, but let no one be fooled: it is not an Ohio bank, except perhaps as a legal technicality.

A virtual buckeye to Ed, who brought this to my attention.


Matthew Cember said...

   Thank you so much for keeping up on this Harold! I haven't said much recently but I do still read your blog!
   And now that this has been revealed we must take but one step more: ask Why. Why would JP Morgan Chase, itself a huge multinational conglomerate serving the super-rich, actually request an investigation of the Federal Reserve, and institution that J.P. Morgan helped to create for exactly the purpose it has been serving? Why would the International Monetary Fund, which was created to pursue the exact same reckless policies the Fed has been pursuing, suddenly frown on such tactics and threated to "expose" them? What's in it for them?
   The answer will come as no surprise (but still a great shock) to those who have read the right books. Fiat money is the greatest instrument of control their is, especially control over the Americans, who least understand it. When all those nations suddenly decide they don't want all those paper dollars Reagan foisted off on them anymore they will come pouring back to our shores in exchange for every bit of tangible property available. (And I hear all of your foreclosed homes are available pretty cheap these days.)

Unknown said...

I am an Aussie, and it constantly baffles me why people don't do a mere 20 mins research on the inet and check out for themselves who owns our currency!
We are an easy going country, too easy going, but it is getting ridiculous in the world today when those affected most by these horribly oppressive agendas fail to engage in conversation with others about the same thing.
Alex Jones reminded me in one of his dvd's that the key to beat these scumbags is COMMUNITY...Go and have a chat with your neighbour, share a meal, catch up with friends...
Keep on doing the good reporting guys, keep talking about it, and one day - hopefully soon enough - the community will understand what they have to loose by being silent.
Have a great week,
Brad Griggs
Melbourne, Australia