Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our "allies"

I am at the library today catching up on my Internet activities. I posted a comment to the end of the discussion "League of the South: Learn to Use P.R.!" that summarizes my take [which remains favorable] on their organization eloquently. I won't be interested in receiving mail from them... but I may still purchase a Confederate Silver Dollar with my tax return! «laugh»
I am more intrigued with the issue of sovereignty as it applies to the indigenous peoples. I frequently infuriate both the "white supremacists" and the "black supremacists" with my views that if anyone ought to get "reparations" for the actions of our ancestors, it should be the Native Americans! Like so many young white people educated in public schools, I find that I don't really know anything about the indigenous tribes. But perhaps I need to begin educating myself quickly, because it may be well for us to make an effort to reach out to tribes native (or formerly native) to Ohio and make a space for them. (A real space, not a crappy rez on land nobody else wants.)

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