Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gov. Strickland: so close and yet so far...

Here is a YouTube video of Gov. Strickland discussing his reasons for supporting Sen. Barack Obama for President:

Gov. Strickland is correct in his diagnosis: Ohio has been struggling economically; and no, the Feds haven't been much help. The economic recovery package that the Governor and the General Assembly passed last spring is a major, major step in the right direction.

Now, Gov. Strickland says he wants is "a break with the past, someone who will reject what we now have, who will say no to the status quo, who will embrace the hope, enthusiasm, and vision that Barack Obama has that will move Ohio and America forward."

Sen. Obama cannot bring greatness to Ohio! If the Feds help us at all (and I doubt the Feds will give us much, regardless of who is elected President), it will surely come at a price to our State sovereignty and the liberties of our people.

The better solution is for Gov. Strickland to continue to provide leadership for Ohioans to pick themselves up by their own bootstraps. This way, the economic benefits will be real and lasting. In other words, we need to start thinking like an independent nation! Now!

A virtual buckeye to Plunderbund for the YouTube video.


Anonymous said...

so... Ted Strickland- President of Ohio?

Or are we going to stick with our current system of Governor/General Assembly/etc.?

Harold Thomas said...

Good question, and one that will be answered as the independence movement is created and matures.
For now, I can only say that I (one person's opinion) envision that the Republic's government would be based on our existing Consititution, changing the title of "Governor" to "President", and adding the powers that are currently reserved to the Federal Government under the US Constitution.