Sunday, August 10, 2008

Breaking up may not be so hard to do

Here is a little secessionist fantasy by William Buppert in Lew Rockwell's site that may not be so far off the mark as to how the United States will break up. It is really not so very different from the way the member republics split up the Soviet Union in 1991.

It would require a coordiated effort among several neighboring States, and a level of political courage not yet seen among their officials*, but the scenario is plausible and possible.

Stay tuned...

* Except Montana (secession resolution here).


Ben said...

I read the article. It is plausible I guess. Probable no.

Harold Thomas said...


My comment on the probability of this scenario was made in my initial description of the scenario as a "secessionist fantasy."

Indeed, it is not probable, and I don't think any secessionist activist is seriously considering such a scenario.

However, as I pointed out, the Soviet Union broke up in a fashion similar to this; and I can only think that a few more years of unbroken international hubris, reckless spending, and loss of moral authority are likely to put the United States into a similar position.