Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Your vote may be a public record

As though we weren’t having enough problems already, Dan Williamson of The Other Paper (Columbus, October 18) reports that voters in ten Ohio counties who use iVotronic machines no longer have a secret ballot. It appears than an individual’s vote can be identified simply by making a request under Ohio’s public records law and comparing the paper trail from the voting machine with the poll books, which show the order in which individuals voted.

State Senator Jeff Jacobson (R-Dayton), a leading elections expert in the General Assembly, said, “It is a problem with paper trails. I remain frustrated by the fact that we were goaded into electronic voting in the first place.” Sen. Jacobson prefers the optical-scan method, which also leaves a paper trail, but can be shuffled to prevent identification of voters with their votes. The optical-scan method is used in many Ohio counties.

At first this may appear to be a strictly internal matter that would affect us whether or not we were independent. But guess who did the goading?

This issue has since been corrected.

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