I encourage Ohio residents to sign
Plunderbund's petition to demand Attorney General Marc Dann's resignation. Marc Dann is a serious embarassment to every Ohioan, not just the Democrats. More than any other State official, except the Governor, the Attorney General must project a serious, capable image in order to successfully advocate for the consumers, the State, and victims of crime. It is no place for a frat boy who never grew up.
The other Statewide officials and the Democratic Party are to be commended for their swift and decisive response to the scandal (removal of partisan support and the threat of impeachment), which sets a new standard for Ohio politics that should be followed whenever an official violates
Gov. Rhodes' rules.
I didnt sign it. I feel that Republicans such as myself shoudl let the Democrats handle this one on their own and it is best if we stay out of it
My take is that the Democrats had to make the first move, which they did. Mr. Dann's refusal to step down in the face of his party's opposition now makes it an issue for all Ohioans.
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